Thursday, July 31, 2008


Other Name :
Celeri (France), Seleri (Italia); Selinon, Parsley (Germany), Seledri (Indonesia)
celery (the opium graveolens) could grow both in the plain and high.
The content:
celery had many contents of the nutrient in part, (per 100 gr) :
* calorie totalling 20 calorie,
* protein 1 gram
* fat 0.1 gram
* the carbohydrate 4.6 gram
* calcium 50 mg
* phosphorus 40 mg
* the iron 1 mg
* vitamin A 130 of SI
* vitamins B1 0.03 mg
* vitamin C 11 mg And 63% part could be eaten.
* celery leaf also often contained apiin, by the diuretic substance that was useful to increase the number of urines.

Celery (the opium graveolens L.) for a long time has been known as hypertension medicine. The crop that also was seen pretty if being buried in this pot more previously was made use of as the cooking spice. The normal celery leaves were used to enrich the guest plate taste or broth.

Red peanuts soup and the chicken porridge were more incomplete it seems if without sowing of the celery leaves inside. In Europe, the stick of big celery was often made as salad with mayonnaise sauce or bechamel (sauce have material the foundation of milk) as the contents of bread sandwich.

The crop that has been known since the history of early Egypt, Greece and Roman this in fact including the vegetables kind that was taken his stick. Nevertheless in old literature was gotten the document that mentioned celery or the crop of this kind was buried for the need of medical treatment since 850 Before Masehi. The original crop seed this Mediterranian river valley was used by the healer Ayurveda old to treat the fever, flu, the digestion illness, several types arthritis, the spleen illness and the heart

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